In the summer of 2012, I met Dad’s adopted chicken. While at his home up north, my 84-year-old father struck up a love affair with a chicken he named Emily. Dad’s adopted chicken actually lived [...]
The upcoming holiday season provides numerous opportunities for family gatherings. When nostalgia becomes an accelerant, we can fall victim to unrealistic expectations. So stay alert and keep it [...]
Finding Strength From Your Whispers Perhaps you have a friend or a loved one who has suffered a loss. It is a lonely, difficult time. I know. When I discovered my whispers after the death of my [...]
The shell Craig picked up was the biggest in my collection. I happily added it to the others. When Craig came into our family, I gained a son-in-law, a husband to my daughter, a brother-in-law to [...]
Young girls sold painted sea shells on the sidewalk outside of their beach house. I bought four. Ocean Whisper: My grandchildren will inherit my world; I like to pave the way with kindness. [...]
My grandchild Charlotte and I walked hand in hand on the beach. It was her turn to find a shell. Ocean Whisper: God scatters precious gifts on the shoreline; little hands inspect the sand and [...]
Mothers give directions and expect their children to follow them. My mother gave many directions. I listened to my mother and followed some. Others I ignored. “Don’t look under the paper [...]
In February it is difficult to get away from the focus on couples. The best locations belong to romantic tables for two in expensive restaurants. Pampered pairs receive exceptional [...]
My rusty, outdated Ford LTD sedan cruised down the narrow Delaware County, Pennsylvania roadway at a steady 50 miles per hour. Dilapidated, whitewashed wooden horse fences protected the pristine [...]
David, I know you are watching. Please be with me during my surgery and help me not to be scared. My half-opened eyes nervously squinted back in the mirror. That morning in the pre-dawn chill of [...]