I can do it myself! I recall as a little kid the thrill whenever I declared my independence. Even if the task was bigger than I was, I made my announcement loud and clear and followed it [...]
I look forward to the day when I travel again. I am not sure when it will be or what it will look like. But, I do know that I am ready to travel again. In May 2016, my sister, Christine, and I [...]
The Cuban whispers continue… I did not go to Cuba specifically for the food in April 2016. My American dollars funneled through the Bucknell University Alumni Association “People-to-People” [...]
The Cuban whispers continue… ( Disclaimer: After my trip, I vowed to work on not jumping to conclusions without first considering the facts.) Fact: One of the morning itineraries on our [...]
Part One– You Can Smile Now A trip to Cuba. My sister Christine and I had an identical “to-do” item on our bucket list. We wanted to experience the old world charm of this island that had [...]