I like when I can shout I did it! The exclamation is not reserved for a certain age. Anyone can experience that moment of satisfaction. For example, I was especially delighted when my [...]
On Thursday March 4, 2021 7:00-8:00 pm Mazie Gable Elementary School in the Red Lion School District will be hosting an Author Event featuring Henri’s Home. Author, Kim Kluxen Meredith, [...]
My mother spent many hours in The Garden. It was a special place behind the barn on our property in Ames, N.Y. The Garden afforded Mom a place to express herself through nature. “The best place [...]
When I was little, Grandma Moore, my great-grandmother, was the family photographer. When we gathered for special family events with my father’s side of the family, Grandma Moore showed up [...]
As a result of my very first Girl Scout sleep-away camping experience, I knew I wanted to be a Red Cap forever. As a kid, I enjoyed the outdoors. I didn’t mind bugs or worms. But, I did not [...]