Let’s All Walk on the Sun!

 In Inspirational

In preparation for a quiet, family New Year’s Eve celebration at home, my thirty year-old daughter was explaining to her precocious 3 1/2 year-old son the the adult ritual of annual resolutions. Now we all know the typical answers- to lose weight, exercise more, eat healthy, and to spend more time with family. But to a youngster with so few years on earth to even consider improving his life, he really took it outside of the box!

My daughter got the ball rolling by speaking for his 18 month-old sister.

“Charley plans to sleep through the night!” Samantha announced confidently.

Now, personally I think this was more of a mother’s wish rather than a little girl’s resolution, but I did not actually witness the conversation.

In response, Max looked at his mother with his trademark wide eyes and then announced his intention.

“I plan to walk on the sun!” he bodly stated.

Wow! His ambition far surpassed any resolution that I ever heard. He must have known that the moon already had travelers and that the sun was the only other option in our solar system. How curious that he went way beyond any earthly options and cast his net so far out!

Grief can often spin an insulating cocoon around our lives which temporarily protects us from further harm. It is only natural to personally retreat as we try and understand our loss. But we have to be careful not to linger too long in the safety of this self-made chrysalis. We need to get to know our new persona and understand when it is time to spread our wings once again.

So let’s all decide to try and really break out in a big way in 2012 like Max, and let’s all “walk on the sun” ! Or at least let’s try something new and exciting that will bring us a sense of personal growth and accomplishment.

Good luck and let me know what you are planning.

By the way, since I am still recovering from ankle surgery, I first plan to simply walk again in 2012, and then I will shoot for the moon!


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  • Robin Inslee

    Max may have wanted to walk on the sun, but anyone who knows Kim can tell you, she shines like the sun! Always bringing a smile that shines so brightly, so genuinely and is so warming….When I know I am going to be seeing Kim, I know we are going to be laughing. When she has a difficulty, Kim works it out and finds a way to make light of what could be a heavy burden. “Listen for the Whispers”, the book and the website, are two wonderful ways of getting to know Kim and experience the warmth of her glow. Her words and her picture reflect who she honestly is. I encourage everyone to get to know Kim better through her Whispers and learn to listen for your own. Sometimes, you just need to be still and listen.

    • Kim K Meredith

      Thank you Robin for your kind words. I know that you are the real deal and that is why you are such a special friend!

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  • […] When my grandson Max was 3 ½ years old he wanted to get in on the tradition and came up with his own resolution. I will have to ask him this year if he wants to update it now that he is older. https://kimmeredith.wpengine.com/lets-all-walk-on-the-sun/ […]

  • […] When my grandson Max was 3 ½ years old he wanted to get in on the tradition and came up with his own resolution. I will have to ask him this year if he wants to update it now that he is older. https://kimmeredith.wpengine.com/lets-all-walk-on-the-sun/ […]

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