Dayton OH 9/28/13 Kim is the 2013 Military Writers Society of America Book Award Silver Medal winner in the category of Spiritual/Religious. The MWSA book awards recognize outstanding [...]
Few losses are more challenging than losing your spouse, your partner, your love, your soul mate. How do you cope with the loneliness, the despair, your children and their pressing needs, and [...]
The calendar says that it is time to say good-bye to 2011. So as I rip off the last page for this year, I am taking a moment to assess my progress for the past 365 days and I am wondering, [...]
My hometown of Ames, N.Y., is much like Lancaster. In fact, many Amish have migrated to upstate New York in order to take advantage of the open fields and uncluttered roadways. Simple wooden [...]